Artist Shawn Haring has been working leather since 2018. Shawn is an avid fan of the Renaissance Faire scene and specializes in high quality products made for fellow renaissance goers. He originally became interested in making leather products because he could not find what he wanted at the faires, so he decided to make theContinue Reading Welcome New Donar’s Oak artist – Shawn Haring
Read more Welcome New Donar’s Oak artist – Shawn Haring
Our Story
Established in 2017, Donar's Oak is focused on not only bringing unique merchandise to events, but also also offering an enjoyable experience to event patrons. We take pleasure in participating in events that fit our products, such as Renaissance faires, Earth festivals, and Magic, Psychic, and Holistic faires.
Know of an event you'd like to see us at? Let's talk!
Are you an artist, or craftsperson who's work would fit well with our offerings? Let's talk!
Header button label:ContactContactKnow of an event you'd like to see us at? Let's talk!
Are you an artist, or craftsperson who's work would fit well with our offerings? Let's talk!